LE BAR AMERICAIN - cocktail bar in Hotel de Paris. @hoteldeparismc
MAISON FONFON - cute dinner spot with amazing food located in Port de Fontvieille. amazing truffle ravoili. @maison.fonfon
THE MAYBOURNE RIVIERA - modern hotel that overlooks all of monaco. book lunch by the pool. @themaybourneriviera
COYA - i don’t love their restaurants in other cities but this one has a great vibe, good food with an indoor/outdoor space. @coyamontecarlo
LA NOTE BLEUE - great place for lunch on the beach. @lanotebleuemonaco
LOULOU PIRATE - hidden gem next to Monaco, great for a lunch in the sun with amazing food. @loulourestaurants
SASS CAFE - iconic place for cocktails or late dinner. you’ll want to end your night here. @sasscafemonaco
LA PINEDE - just around the corner from Monaco in Cap D’ail. great place for a long lunch thats built right on the rocks. @lapinederestaurant